Can Meditation Boost Your Real Estate Business?

meditation for business

Many of us have tried yoga at least once, and an estimated 18 million people in America meditate regularly. But can meditation have a positive impact on your career as well as your overall well-being? Read on to discover the benefits of meditation for business!

Reduced Stress

Taking a few minutes out of your day to breathe deeply and sit in silence had a profound effect on us. One of the biggest benefits of meditation is reduced stress. Considering how much stress comes with the territory when you work in real estate, this could be a game changer!

Improved Memory and Focus

Would you like to be better about putting names with faces? What about working on a project with laser-like focus instead of constant distractions? It turns out that meditation can help there, too. When you meditate, you essentially train your mind to become less distracted by passing thoughts. This can make it easier to focus your mind and recall information.

A More Positive Outlook

If you worry a lot about the future or dwell on past mistakes, meditation might be able to help. Many people who meditate regularly report an improvement in their ability to think more clearly and more optimistically.

Better Relationships

As it happens, meditation benefits not just you but the people in your life as well. When you feel calmer and more centered, you’ll have an easier time navigated tricky situations and confrontations. You’ll also be a lot less likely to snap at your family, friends, or coworkers—that’s always a good thing!

The Basics of Meditation for Business

The hardest part of meditation is finding a block of time when you won’t be disturbed. It’s a good idea to meditate at roughly the same time every day. Mornings work best for many people, so consider 5 or 10 minutes of simple meditation before your first cup of coffee.

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to sit in absolute silence. Find someplace where you can sit comfortably—don’t slouch, but don’t try to force perfect posture, either. Set a timer on your phone for 5 minutes. Ready?

Slowly close your eyes and breathe deeply. Try to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth so that you are more conscious of the movement and air. Count the breaths as they come—1 on the inhale, 2 on the exhale, and so on—up to a count of 10. Then start over.

Your brain is going to get distracted. Like a dog on a leash, it’s going to try to drag your focus after every distraction. That’s okay. Don’t get stressed or upset; just focus on the breath.

When the timer goes off, open your eyes and enjoy a nice stretch. Take just a moment to notice if you feel any different—less stressed, for example, or more eager to face the workday.