The 7 Habits of Highly Successful Home Sellers


Even the best real estate agent can’t sell a home if the sellers aren’t on board with the process. There’s only so much an agent can do!

Here are the most important steps sellers can take to ensure success.

home seller success

Make a Game Plan for Offers

The first thing the sellers need to decide is how much they want for their home, what their absolute lowest acceptable offer would be, and what kind of contingencies they would be willing to work with.

As an agent, you should be part of this conversation, steering them away from extremely high (or low) numbers. With the plan in place, the sellers can respond quickly and decisively to offers.

Amplify the Signal

Although you’ll be advertising the home through your channels, the sellers can boost that signal by sharing the news on their social media. Really, anywhere they can spread word of the home sale is a good thing.

The more people who hear about the sale, the more likely they’ll find the right person with the best offer.

Make Necessary Repairs

Too many sellers have learned to live with broken, busted, or rundown features in their homes. When it comes time to sell, they need to be able to see the home with fresh eyes.

Buyers may be willing to do a little DIY rehabbing after they purchase the property–but they’ll expect a lower price for their trouble.

Deep Clean from Top to Bottom

This should be a no-brainer. The home needs to be as spotless and sparkling as possible. Again, homeowners often become blind to the issues with their properties. They’re simply used to that weird stain on the rug or the cobwebs outside the windows.

It all needs to be cleaned, and if the homeowners can’t handle it, they should hire professionals.

Declutter Every Space

In addition to cleaning, decluttering is essential. We recently covered Marie Kondo’s popular decluttering show on Netflix, Tidying Up, and homeowners could learn a thing or two from her!

The home should be free of personal items like photos and kids drawings, as well as any valuables or irreplaceable heirlooms.

Boost Curb Appeal

Curb appeal doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. Our best tips are to paint the front door, add some solar lighting, and place pots or windowboxes full of colorful plants to liven up the property.

If the homeowners need inspiration, we have a huge archive of curb appeal articles right here at Realty Toolkit!

Strategize with a Real Estate Agent

Finally, the sellers should work closely with their real estate agent to make a plan and follow through. Remind them that you are there to be a guide and helper through the confusing process of selling a home.

If they feel stuck or frustrated, work with the sellers to find concrete solutions for their issues. Even the best plans sometimes need to change!