Real estate can be a scary business at times, but at least you don’t have to try to sell the Poltergeist house or the brownstone from The Exorcist, right? Here are 5 real-life locations used in famous horror films—and how...
This is an interesting time in real estate, to put it mildly. Record-high prices and lightning-fast sales make it seem almost impossible to keep up. But of all the record-breaking benchmarks, the low inventory across US markets is the...
It’s the story…of a real estate sale gone wrong! 11222 Dilling Street in Studio City, California—also known as the Brady Bunch House—arrived on the market for the first time in almost 50 years. Although it lasted just 20 days on...
The California wildfires have already claimed hundreds of thousands of acres, thousands of homes, and dozens of lives. Celebrities like Miley Cyrus and Gerard Butler lost million-dollar mansions. The once picturesque—and very desirable—area of Malibu is scorched beyond recognition....
While we’re nowhere near the plummeting market trends of 2008, analysts warn that 2019 will be a slow year for the housing market. There are a few factors at play here, and the ongoing government shutdown is only one...
These days, it feels like Millennial homebuyers are as rare as unicorns. Fewer people between the ages of 25 and 34 are buying their own homes; in fact, a surprising percentage of them are staying with their parents until...
Today, as they once did a hundred and fifty years ago, people are heading west. Midwest, to be specific. The Heartland and the Rust Belt are seeing a major housing boom. Read on to get the scoop on the...
What makes a particular town or city desirable to buyers? Good schools, green spaces, and walkability are high on the list, along with low crime rates and a thriving economy. With that in mind, Money magazine, in conjunction with...
Soon, only homes with a purchase price of $400,000 or above may require a human appraisal. That's a massive increase from the current threshold of $250,000. What does this change mean for you and your clients? Details of the New...
With housing prices increasing faster than salaries, many younger people are looking to alternative solutions. But is co-living a brilliant innovation or an exercise in extended adolescence? 21st Century Boarding Houses Co-living setups are a little like luxury dormitories or old-fashioned...


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