Supercharge Your Morning Workday Routine

morning routine

Do you want to be more productive during your workday? The way you start the day has a huge impact on the rest of your waking hours. Too many of us start our mornings stressed, overwhelmed, and hungry.

Is it any wonder that the rest of the day goes downhill? Here are 7 suggestions to have a happier, calmer, and more productive workday.

Go to Bed Early

Okay, yes, this is technically a suggestion for the night before your workday. But how you go to bed determines how you wake up in the morning. If you aim for 8 hours of sleep, you’ll probably need to hit the hay by 10 pm. Put away your phone, tablet, and other electronic devices an hour for bed to help you fall asleep more naturally.

Make Your Bed

Your parents were right—making your bed is an important part of a healthy morning routine. It signals that the time for sleep is officially over while also creating a pleasant environment for when you return that night.

Fresh Air and Exercise

Bear with me on this one. Your first reaction might be that you simply don’t have 10 minutes to waste in the mornings. And while that may be true now, we’re trying to reshape your whole morning routine. A 10-minute walk outside is a better way to wake yourself up than a grande latte.

If you can’t head outdoors due to the weather, get your workout inside. A few circuits of squats, planks, and pushups will get the blood flowing and clear out any lingering cobwebs in your brain.


Meditation and mindfulness are buzzy topics, but the practice goes back millennia. Take a few minutes—7 is a good number, and sit quietly as you focus on your breathing. Every time your concentration wanders, return your attention to the breath.

Think About Your Why

You know what’s more important than your to-do list? Your “why” list. Think about why you need accomplish the tasks of the day. Focusing on building your own brokerage, for example, or providing the best for your family—those are both excellent “why’s.”


Forgo the cup of coffee first thing and reach for a glass of water instead. You need to hydrate after sleeping through the night. It’s amazing how much better you’ll feel if you’re not mildly dehydrated—a problem many of us suffer without realizing it.

Grab a Healthy Bite

One of the first casualties of a busy life is good nutrition. Ironically, poor eating makes you feel even more stressed and sluggish. If you prep a week’s worth of healthy meals on the weekend, packing your lunch will be as simple as grabbing a container from the fridge.

You should also have a small meal with plenty of protein for breakfast. Eggs are a great choice, especially with some veggies. Oatmeal and berries, a Greek yogurt parfait with fresh fruit, or apple slices with peanut butter will all do the trick.