Real Estate Networking for Introverts

networking for introverts

Are you a natural networker? Or does introducing yourself to strangers make you feel like running from the room? If you’re an introvert, you can get better and more natural at it as you practice. You’ll feel more confident if you can prepare ahead of time and make a plan to network successfully. Read on to learn about what to do—and what to avoid!

Practice Makes Perfect

It bears repeating: With practice, your networking skills will improve! Try practicing these techniques in low-stakes situations. If you’re in a social setting with folks you don’t know well, try to draw them out and make a genuine connection. You’re not trying to sell anything, just honing your skills. If you make a faux pas, it’s not the end of the world!

Ask Questions

Want the world to think that you’re a great conversationalist? Make the chat about them, not you. Focus on the other person and their story. Ask them about their passions and interests, then ask follow-up questions to learn more about how they got started or what some of their favorites are. Honestly, the topic doesn’t even matter as long as the person you’re chatting with feels like you have a genuine interest.

Exchange Cards

If you’ve been chatting with someone but feel ready to move (or suspect that they’re eager to network with someone else), then wrap things up. Say something like “It was lovely meeting you, and I’ve enjoyed our chat. Do you have a card?” Always ask them for their card instead of offering yours first.

Once you’ve said your farewells, take a moment to jot down a note or two. You can write directly on their card or take a picture with your phone and add digital notes about what the two of you discussed for future reference.

Have Some Downtime

Networking for introverts is a balancing act. You need to go outside of your comfort zone to make real estate connections. At the same time, you need to recharge your batteries so that you don’t feel drained or overwhelmed. After you chat with someone, take a few minutes to rest and re-center before you continue socializing. Grabbing a fresh snack or drink is a good way to secure some downtime for yourself.

Follow Up the Next Day

Congrats! You made it through the networking event. But now you need to strengthen the connections you made. Otherwise, your hard work will go to waste. Using your notes, follow up with the people you met via text or email.

Tell them again how much you enjoyed meeting them, and then suggest a way to reconnect. If the person was a potential mentor or peer, invite them out for coffee. Tell potential clients about an upcoming open house or special event. Or mention another networking event or workshop in the near future that the person might be interested in attending.

Reaching out is hard when you’re an introvert. But with practice you can master the art of networking and grow your real estate business!