Tips to Start Building Your New Network Before Relocating


The most important part of any agent’s real estate career is their network. It’s where the majority of their business comes from. So what happens when a real estate agent moves to a new city or even a whole new state?

Starting over can seem daunting or complicated, especially for seasoned agents that have already spent the time building their business from the ground up. Don’t wait until after the big move to start working on your new network.

Getting a jump start before moving can make it easier and quicker for you get established in your new market!

Let Your Network Know You’re Moving

Before you move, take the time to reach out to your current network. Emailing is fine, but if you have the time, personal phone calls will be more effective.

Let them know that you will be moving, and ask if they know anyone in the new city that you’re moving to. These don’t necessarily have to be people that are looking to buy or sell.

Just getting put into contact with locals that are already in the area can be very beneficial. You’ll need to know about all the best restaurants, too, right?

Getting Testimonials

A great thing to do before moving is to compile testimonials from former clients. These will come in handy for your social media profiles and your website. If you have a particularly good one or two, you can even include them into your email signature, or on your marketing materials.

Remember that you’re starting over in a market that does not know you. A good testimonial can be the deciding factor when potential clients are doing their research and looking into working with you!

Reach out to those former clients that you do not have testimonials from. Ask if they would be willing to provide you with one. Let them know that it would help you with relocating, and how grateful you would be if they took the time to write it.

Update Your Online Presence

You’ll need to make sure that your website and all social media profiles are up to date. When trying to establish your business in a new city, you don’t want potential clients to think they’ve found the wrong agent’s website because it lists another market.

Or worse, you definitely do not want customers thinking you’re unprepared or unprofessional, because you didn’t bother to update your online presence!

Check your Facebook page, LinkedIn profile, Instagram account, and any other social networks that you’ve established a business presence on. It’s a good idea to make a new post announcing your move, so that everyone who follows you is made aware. Also, start posting content that pertains to your new location.

Most importantly, though, make sure that you’ve updated your location information, any new contact information, and the firm you will be working with.

Updating your website information will be similar. You need to make sure that the location is correct, your email and phone number are correct (if these are changing), and the new firm you will be working with is listed on your site.

You’ll also need to start building content related to your new market, and this includes making sure that your website is not still displaying active listings from your previous market!

Being prepared for your big move into a new market is the best thing you can do for yourself and your career. Once you’ve done these things to prepare yourself, you should find it easier to establish yourself and start networking in your new market!