Tips For Throwing a Successful Client Appreciation Party


In real estate, there is nothing more important to your business than networking. It’s a fact that more than half of your business will come from people you know, more than online ads, postcard mailers, or a website.


Because of this, the most important thing you can do to to get more business is to nurture your relationships with the people in your network. The point is to not only show everyone a good time, but to also gain more referrals and repeat business in the future.

Who to Invite

So who should you invite? Your network! It’s important to remember that your network includes past and current clients, plus your friends, family, and professional contacts. Did you really like working with a mortgage broker? Invite her!

What about your preferred handyman who always takes care of your listings? Call him up! What about the nice lady who has asked you about real estate, but isn’t currently in a position to buy? Send an invitation right over!

See where I’m going here? Anyone in your network is a potential future client or a referral source.

Make It Fun!

If you send out a mass email to everyone inviting them to a drab real estate party, chances are, the turnout is going to be pretty low. First things first, you need to make it something fun or of value so that they will want to come!

Think about the kind of party or event that you’d want to attend. You can plan a party around a holiday, like a big Halloween costume party. Rent out a bar for a private cocktail party.

Have a backyard barbecue (bonus points if you’ve got a pool), or host a Super Bowl party! I have even heard of a group of agents that rented out a movie theater during an off time to host a viewing party of a popular movie!

Getting People to Show Up

Now that you’ve got your fun party idea, and a list of people to invite, you need to work hard to get them to show up! You should start inviting at least a month or two in advance. Give people a chance to get it in their calendars. If you try to invite everyone with only 2 weeks to go, chances are they’ve already got plans or they can’t find a babysitter.

Emailing invites and creating a Facebook event page are great ways to get the word out, but you should also call and personally invite people, especially your most important contacts. This will greatly increase the chances of people attending. Don’t forget to also send out reminders every so often leading up to the event!

The Cost

Some of these ideas can get pricey. Even if you don’t have a lot of money to spend, you can still have a great event! Public parks have rentable facilities that can be a cost-effective venue, some restaurants have a separate room that you could host a small dinner in, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with hosting a party at your own home!

If you’re really hoping to throw a giant banger, consider teaming up with other agents from your office to split costs, or pick up sponsors, such as your favorite lender or closing attorney. These can also help grow the event by having other agents or sponsors inviting their network, as well!

It can be a lot of work and a large expense, but in the end, it’ll be worth it. The most important thing to remember is that if you only get one sale from throwing this party, it will have paid for itself, and made all of your effort worth it. And besides, you’ll have a ton of fun!