6 Tips to Help You Talk to Anyone


As a real estate agent, your efficacy hinges on your ability to talk to people. You need to interact with a wide swath of folks, from contractors to buyers to fellow agents. Here are 6 tips to help you to talk anyone–and everyone–you meet.

how to talk to anyone

Ask About Their Story

People love to talk about themselves. Ask questions and be genuinely interested in the answers. You might discover similarities that’ll strengthen your connection–always a bonus when it comes to networking.

Don’t Overshare

In a professional setting, it’s incredibly important to avoid oversharing. And as a real estate agent, you’ll hear more personal stories than you ever wanted from your clients. Remember that you aren’t having a chat with a friend; just because they aired their dirty laundry doesn’t mean you can air yours.

Mirror Them

Does the person you’re talking to seem reserved or outgoing? Are they laughing a lot or excited about the topic you’re discussing? Whatever the case, try to match their energy. You can also mirror them in other ways, but keep it subtle. Mimicking their posture can make the person unconsciously feel more of a connection with you, but don’t turn it into a parody.

Don’t Assume or Argue

Unless you’re talking with someone you know well, it’s best to avoid hot-button issues like religion or politics. If you assume that the person you’re speaking with agrees with your views, you might put them in an awkward position.

It’s also advisable to avoid debating those topics. Even if you enjoy a rousing exchange of ideas, many people would rather avoid conflict.

Restate and Reflect

One way to reassure the other person that you’re listening is to restate or reflect what they say. Obviously, you don’t want to sound like a parrot when you do this, but with practice this tip can help you become a conversational maestro.

Watch for Non-Verbal Cues

Watch the body language of the people you talk to. If they’re engaged, they’ll lean forward and make eye contact. On the other hand, if they lean away, cross their arms, or glance toward possible exits–you’ve lost them.