successful real estate agent

If you want to be a successful real estate agent, you need to have the right mindset. That attitude will drive your behaviors, and those behaviors will, in turn, determine whether you thrive or fail. So what separates the successes from those who struggle? It comes down to these 5 essential lessons.

What Are You Selling?

Pop quiz: As a successful real estate agent, what do you sell? The obvious answer is homes, right? Wrong! You’re actually selling YOU—your services, your abilities, your expertise. That means you need to be dedicated to your clients, not your properties. It’s a mindset reset that will reap huge dividends. Stay in touch with your people, even if—especially if—they’re not part of a transaction right now.

Use the Phone

Speaking of staying in touch, the phone is still the best way to do it. Email might be quicker and more easy to scale, but a phone call forges a connection that mere text does not. You should also be proactive about picking up that phone. Don’t wait for people to call you when they need something. Check in, offer help, and be present for your clients. That includes future prospects, current buyers and sellers, and past clients.

Learn to Ride the Waves

The housing market operates on cycles. Some seasons are stronger than others, and some years see booms while other are all but dead. A successful real estate agent is one who learns to look at the big picture. By seeing the rhythms and patterns involved in buying and selling homes, you won’t let yourself get discouraged during the downtime.

Don’t Stop Networking

Your network can never be too robust. It’s not all just about getting new leads, either. Networking with other agents is just as important. Sharing information helps everyone in the long run. Join professional organizations and attend events where you can meet agents from outside your region. How do they handle challenges? What advice can you give them based on your experiences?

You Are an Entrepreneur

Maybe you don’t think of yourself as an entrepreneur. That word might call to mind people like Elon Musk, Richard Branson, or Warren Buffett. However, entrepreneurship isn’t determined by the scale of your business. As a real estate agent, you are the person in charge of your success. Even if you work with a brokerage, you should still maintain the mindset of an entrepreneur.

Ultimately, you are not just growing a portfolio but an independent business. Build those connections, invest in yourself, and approach every aspect of your work with attention. It’s not easy—but nothing worth doing ever is.