6 Unexpected Places to Network

places to network

Networking is the cornerstone of your career as a real estate professional. You might feel like you’ve tapped every possible vector for new connections. But we’re willing to bet there’s still one or two places to network that you’ve overlooked.

Volunteering Opportunities

Volunteering is its own reward in many ways. But it’s also a chance to meet people you’d otherwise never encounter, expanding your network along new avenues. Set aside a few hours a month to devote to volunteering, and work on building trust and connections with your fellow do-gooders. They’ll associate you with being charitable and dedicated, which is both good karma and good business.

While Running Errands

When you’re waiting in line at the coffee shop, try striking up a casual, chatty conversation with someone. Even if the possibility to snag a new client goes nowhere, you’ll at least brush up your small talk skills. The same goes for your salon, grocery store—anywhere you regularly run errands.

If you frequent locally owned businesses, ask if you can leave business cards or put up information about an upcoming open house event.

Alumni Associations

Maybe you look back on your college with fondness. Or maybe you’d rather skip your reunion. Either way, alumni groups and events could be a place to rediscover old connections—and maybe find a new client or two.

Many schools have embraced the digital age and offer online message boards, chats, and email blasts to keep alumni informed. You can become active in those groups, attend local events, and even see if the alumni coordinator would be interested in featuring your business in their publications. It doesn’t hurt to ask, right?

At the Gym

Okay, let’s be clear: Most gyms have a strict policy about trying to drum up business with other patrons. But if you attend regular classes or unwind in the sauna, people often chat about their lives and jobs. It’s perfectly kosher to mention what you do—especially if the other person mentions that they’re in the market to buy or sell a home. Keep business cards in your gym bag, just in case.

With Kids or Pets

If you’re a parent or pet owner, you have a ready-made opening to talk to other people with kids or pets. Daycare pickup, school events and meetings, the dog park or the groomers—anytime you interact with people who share something in common with you, take the opportunity to strike up a conversation.


If public speaking makes you anxious, you’re not alone. Toastmasters is an international group dedicated to mastering public speaking. It’s also an unrivaled opportunity to network with other professionals from a variety of fields. Chances are good that your area already has a group, so check out a meeting.