How to Buy Your First Investment Property

Thinking about taking your first step into the world of real estate investment? There’s an overwhelming amount of information out there, but don’t worry—we’ve...

Fit to Flip or Money Pit? Don’t Buy a Fixer-Upper Without...

Reality TV shows make home renovation seem pretty simple, right? But there are countless things that can go wrong—and countless problems to uncover—when you...

Family Heirlooms You Should Ditch — And a Few You Should...

One person’s treasure is another’s clutter. That’s especially true when it comes to family heirlooms. Pieces that have been handed down for a generation...

Connecting with Millennial Home Buyers

Millennials—folks born between 1981 and 1996, according to Pew Research—are choosing to buy instead of rent these days. But Millennial home buyers do exist!...

Your Essential Home Inspection Checklist

The home inspection is an important part of buying a home. The buyer should know exactly what they’re getting into—but the process can be...

Have You Made These Online Furniture Shopping Mistakes?

The future is now, and it comes with free two-day shipping. As we turn ever more from brick-and-mortar stores to the convenience of 24/7...