Small Habits That Make a Major Impact at Work and Home


The smallest habits often have the biggest ROI. If you’ve been struggling to find a good work-life balance this year – or even enough time to breathe, here are XX small habits that can add up to major positive changes in your life.

small habits

Keep a Journal

What is this, high school? Journaling is actually a helpful habit for adults, too. 15-20 minutes of thoughtful reflection on your priorities, goals, and thoughts for the day is a wonderful way to ground yourself before diving in to work.

Writing by hand is a better choice than typing, since you may be tempted to check email or texts if you use an electronic device.

Bonus habit: Grab a nice, hot cup of herbal tea to sip while you write!

Go for a Walk

Real estate agents are often a bit more active than other professionals, but we can all use a little more fresh air and exercise. Try squeezing in a stroll during your lunch break in as a mid-afternoon breather. Sitting for too long in front of a computer is a surefire way to feel burned-out and achy by the end of the day.

Solo walks are a great time to let your mind rest–in fact, you might even enjoy walking meditation. On the other hand, taking a walk with colleagues, friends, or family is a surprisingly good way to bond.

Save More, Spend Less

This might seem like an insurmountable challenge, but instead of thinking about savings as a set percentage of your income, try spending less instead.

Being more frugal not only helps cut back on clutter at home, but you can also put more cash in savings or your investment portfolio. The key is to save small amounts daily or weekly instead of scrambling at the end of the month to meet your savings goals.

Cut Your To-Do List Down

Each day, set just 3 or 4 priorities. No more endless to-do lists that not even Wonder Woman or Superman could achieve in a single day. Instead, focus your attention and energy on the most essential tasks you need to achieve.

As will all of these small habits, making incremental but steady progress is the best way to achieve more while feeling less stressed and overworked.

Quit Caffeine and Sugar

Wait, isn’t this supposed to be a list of small habits for real estate pros? Why am I giving out diet tips?

You may not realize the impact caffeine and sugar consumption have on your energy levels and ability to focus. Sugar is, unfortunately, really bad for us in so many way. And caffeine isn’t that much better.

Put them together in the form of a Starbucks latte, and you’ve got a recipe for increased stress hormones, joint pain, headaches, fuzzy focus, and other problems. If you only pick up one of these small habits, let it be this one!